Bizzell CEO Named Opening Speaker at Annual REMBA Conference for Trauma and Addictions

Bizzell CEO Named Opening Speaker at Annual REMBA Conference for Trauma and Addictions

The Department of Human Development and Services at North Carolina A&T State University will hold its 8th Annual Rehabilitation of Racial and Ethnic Minorities with Behavioral Addictions (REMBA) conference.  The two-day conference will convene on Thursday – Friday, April 10th and 11th at the Joseph S. Koury Convention Center in Greensboro, North Carolina. Anton C. Bizzell, MD will serve as the opening speaker on Friday, April 11th from 9 am – 10 am to discuss practices related to treatment of behavioral addiction and trauma.

The conference, entitled Building a Network of Recovery in Communities, will address the growing needs of people of color who have been affected by trauma and addictions – an area of expertise for Dr. Bizzell.  The goal is to share data focused on the unique needs of people of color with behavioral and/or process addictions, including alcohol and drug abuse, eating disorders, sexual addictions and criminal offense.

Yearly, approximately 200 attendees participate – including Rehabilitation Counselors, Agency Counselors, Human Service Personnel, Human Resource Professionals, Administrators and Students interested in learning more about the topics at hand.

Bizzell Supports Responsible Healthcare Provider Prescribing Education

Bizzell Supports Responsible Healthcare Provider Prescribing Education

By: Anton C. Bizzell, M.D.

December 10, 2013 – Opioid analgesics have become controversial drugs that are widely used for the management of moderate to severe pain, but are widely abuse and diverted for non-medical purposes. While there has been a marked decrease in the use of some illegal drugs, data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) show that nearly one-third of people aged 12 and over who used drugs for the first time in 2009 began by using a prescription drug non-medically.

Addressing the prescription drug abuse epidemic is a top priority for The Bizzell Group (Bizzell). Our staff designs, develops, and delivers specialized training and technical assistance for health care providers—from physicians to psychologists, social workers, substance abuse treatment staff, and peer counselors. We understand which tools and resources are the most effective for reaching and communicating with multiple specialized audiences including adults, teens, teachers, and medical professionals. In addition, we support the development and dissemination of sound educational programs for not only health providers, but also for the American public and other stakeholders.

“We provide comprehensive programs of support for efforts to reduce the burden of prescription drug use, misuse, and abuse on the American people”, says Anton Bizzell, MD, Bizzell’s CEO. “Currently, we are offering technical assistance and training that includes developing education courses for physicians, developing educational materials for dissemination, conducting literature reviews and analyses, developing and compiling best practices materials, and providing logistical support for meetings across the U.S”.